{# # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique # # http://glpi-project.org # # @copyright 2015-2023 Teclib' and contributors. # @copyright 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team. # @licence https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # LICENSE # # This file is part of GLPI. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #} {% extends "pages/setup/general/base_form.html.twig" %} {% import 'components/form/fields_macros.html.twig' as fields %} {% set field_options = { 'field_class': 'col-12 col-xxl-6 col-sm-6', 'label_class': 'col-xxl-8', 'input_class': 'col-xxl-4', } %} {% set field_options = { 'field_class': 'col-12 col-xxl-6 col-sm-6', 'full_width': true, } %} {% set inline_field_options = field_options|merge({ 'input_addclass': 'w-auto' }) %} {% block config_fields %}
{{ fields.textField( 'url_base', config['url_base'], __('URL of the application'), field_options ) }} {{ fields.textareaField( 'text_login', config['text_login'], __('Text in the login box'), field_options|merge({ 'enable_richtext': true, 'enable_images': false, }) ) }} {{ fields.textField( 'helpdesk_doc_url', config['helpdesk_doc_url'], __('Simplified interface help link'), field_options ) }} {{ fields.textField( 'central_doc_url', config['central_doc_url'], __('Standard interface help link'), field_options ) }} {{ fields.numberField( 'decimal_number', config['decimal_number'], __('Default decimals limit'), inline_field_options|merge({ 'min': 1, 'max': 4, }) ) }} {{ fields.checkboxField( 'use_public_faq', config['use_public_faq'], __('Allow FAQ anonymous access'), field_options ) }}
{{ __('Translations') }}
{{ fields.checkboxField( 'translate_dropdowns', config['translate_dropdowns'], __("Translation of dropdowns"), field_options ) }} {{ fields.checkboxField( 'translate_kb', config['translate_kb'], __("Knowledge base translation"), field_options ) }} {{ fields.checkboxField( 'translate_reminders', config['translate_reminders'], __("Translation of reminders"), field_options ) }}
{{ __('Dynamic display') }}
{{ fields.numberField( 'dropdown_max', config['dropdown_max'], __('Page size for dropdown (paging using scroll)'), inline_field_options|merge({ 'min': 1, 'max': 200, }) ) }} {{ fields.dropdownNumberField( 'ajax_limit_count', config['ajax_limit_count'], __("Don't show search engine in dropdowns if the number of items is less than"), inline_field_options|merge({ 'min': 1, 'max': 200, 'toadd': {'0': __('Never')}, 'width': 'auto', }) ) }}
{{ __('Search engine') }}
{{ fields.dropdownArrayField( 'allow_search_view', config['allow_search_view'], [ __('No'), __('%1$s (%2$s)')|format(__('Yes'), __('last criterion')), __('%1$s (%2$s)')|format(__('Yes'), __('default criterion')) ], __('Items seen'), inline_field_options|merge({ 'width': 'auto', }) ) }} {{ fields.dropdownYesNo( 'allow_search_global', config['allow_search_global'], __('Global search'), inline_field_options|merge({ 'width': 'auto', }) ) }} {{ fields.dropdownArrayField( 'allow_search_all', config['allow_search_all'], [ __('No'), __('%1$s (%2$s)')|format(__('Yes'), __('last criterion')), ], __('All'), inline_field_options|merge({ 'width': 'auto', }) ) }} {{ fields.numberField( 'list_limit_max', config['list_limit_max'], __('Default search results limit (page)'), inline_field_options|merge({ 'min': 5, 'max': 200, 'step': 5, }) ) }} {{ fields.numberField( 'cut', config['cut'], __('Default characters limit (summary text boxes)'), inline_field_options|merge({ 'step': 50, }) ) }} {{ fields.numberField( 'url_maxlength', config['url_maxlength'], __('Default url length limit'), inline_field_options|merge({ 'min': 20, 'max': 80, 'step': 5, }) ) }}
{{ __('Item locks') }}
{% set locks_rand = random() %} {% set id_lock_use_lock_item = 'lock_use_lock_item_' ~ locks_rand %} {% set id_lock_lockprofile_id = 'dropdown_lock_lockprofile_id' ~ locks_rand %} {% set id_lock_item_list_id = 'dropdown_lock_item_list' ~ locks_rand %} {{ fields.checkboxField( 'lock_use_lock_item', config['lock_use_lock_item'], __('Use locks'), inline_field_options|merge({ 'id': id_lock_use_lock_item, }) ) }} {% set lock_options = field_options %} {% if not config['lock_use_lock_item'] %} {% set lock_options = lock_options|merge({ 'disabled': true, }) %} {% endif %} {{ fields.dropdownField( 'Profile', 'lock_lockprofile_id', config['lock_lockprofile_id'], __('Profile to be used when locking items'), inline_field_options|merge(lock_options)|merge({ 'width': 'auto', 'rand': locks_rand, }) ) }} {{ fields.dropdownArrayField( 'lock_item_list', '', call("ObjectLock::getLockableObjects"), __('List of items to lock'), lock_options|merge({ 'multiple': true, 'values': config['lock_item_list'], 'rand': locks_rand, }) ) }}
{{ __('Auto Login') }}
{{ fields.dropdownTimestampField( 'login_remember_time', config['login_remember_time'], __('Time to allow "Remember Me"'), inline_field_options|merge({ 'emptylabel': __('Disabled'), 'min': 0, 'max': constant('MONTH_TIMESTAMP') * 2, 'step': constant('DAY_TIMESTAMP'), 'toadd': [ constant('HOUR_TIMESTAMP'), constant('HOUR_TIMESTAMP') * 2, constant('HOUR_TIMESTAMP') * 6, constant('HOUR_TIMESTAMP') * 12 ], 'width': 'auto', }) ) }} {{ fields.checkboxField( 'login_remember_default', config['login_remember_default'], __("Default state of checkbox"), inline_field_options ) }} {{ fields.checkboxField( 'display_login_source', config['display_login_source'], __('Display source dropdown on login page'), inline_field_options ) }}
{% endblock %}